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About Us

Since 1984

The Bronze or Primary Circuit is where both horses and riders can learn to compete. Classes and divisions encourage gaining experience and learning. Judging criteria in the introductory divisions are flexible to allow those at the beginning of their career to be successful while working to achieve their goals. The more advanced classes help prepare competitors to move up to the next level, the Silver or Trillium Circuit.


Our Mission

That through experience gained at our shows, competitors are prepared to compete at Bronze and beyond. By encouraging horses and riders to develop confidence and obtain experience in a safe environment, we provide a means in which to learn how to compete. By having courses designed by trained, licensed course designers and judged by Equestrian Canada licensed and accredited judges. By continuing to offer paramedic coverage second to none. In our area, most Bronze shows are run in conjunction with a Silver/Trillium show, at these shows riders can become familiar with the expectations of the next level circuit and know when they are ready to move up. This is what sets the Bronze/OVPSC circuit apart from other unsanctioned events that may not have the same safety measures and consistencies in place for the benefit, safety and education of the horse and rider.

Meet The Committee


Lindsey Blakely



Suzanne Tighe

Director at Large


Marilyn McFadden


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Taylor McRae

Vice President

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Bridget McKessock

Director at Large


Lindsay Rovinelli


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Sorina Cohn-Ostiguy

Director at Large

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